October 10, 2005

Keep it clean!---FCC adds Web site to field complaints about indecent TV and radio

FCC adds Web site to field complaints

The Associated Press
Oct 8, 2005

WASHINGTON -- The Federal Communications Commission has started a Web site, www.fcc.gov/eb/oip, to make it easier for people to file complaints about indecent programming on television and radio.

Penny Nance, a special adviser in the agency's office of strategic planning, said FCC Chairman Kevin Martin wanted to clear up confusion for consumers about how to file a complaint. With the new site, Nance said, "the American public can let their voices be heard with the click of a mouse."

The site explains that a recording or word-for-word transcript of the program is not necessary to file a complaint -- something Nance says too many consumers were confused about.

Under FCC rules and federal law, radio stations and over-the-air television channels cannot air obscene material at any time, and they cannot air indecent material between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. The rules do not apply to cable or satellite programs.


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