Are we redeeming media?: Study shows PG-13 movies of today resemble R-rated of 1992
Tuesday October 11, 2005
PG-13 Movies of Today Resemble R-Rated of 1992: StudyCAMBRIDGE, Mass, October 11, 2005 ( – A Harvard study has concluded that the sexual content of modern movies has become far more explicit than even 13 years ago – to the degree that a movie rated PG-13 today would have garnered an R-rating in 1992.
The researchers concluded that “the MPAA [Motion Picture Association of America] applied less stringency in its age-based ratings over time for the period of 1992-2003.” In other words, as time went on, a PG rating became more and more meaningless, and was no guarantee that the film was free of the graphic sexual imagery that parents would not normally be comfortable allowing a 13-year-old to watch.
In the same period since 1992, a similar study found that G-rated movies had become eleven times more profitable than their R-rated counterparts. Since 1968, 60 percent of all movies made have been given an R-rating, whereas only 3 of the top 25 movies of all time were R-rated movies, according to a four-year study conducted by the Dove Foundation. The Dove Foundation awards a blue and white Dove Seal to any movie or video that is rated “family-friendly” by its film review board.
A separate study examining the top 200 movies of all time revealed that the consequences of so-called casual sex as depicted in movies, such as unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease, was never portrayed in the movies.
See the BBC coverage:
Soon-to-be released courtroom thriller "A Distant Thunder" exposes partial birth abortion
Tuesday October 11, 2005
Hollywood Created Film Exposes Partial Birth Abortion Via Courtroom ThrillerLOS ANGELES, October 11, 2005 ( - A soon-to-be released motion picture about the partial birth abortion debate is already attracting comment says its creator. A Distant Thunder is an independent 35-minute film created by Jonathan Flora, a writer and director who works for Disney.
“A Distant Thunder… is a supernatural, courtroom thriller that ... is generating awareness and dialogue about a topic surrounded by a great deal of misinformation and controversy,” said Flores.
In an online interview, Flora said, “This project is not the norm for Hollywood. It has a very specific viewpoint and it goes against the current flow of what we hear Hollywood saying...I’m amazed at how many people have no idea what partial birth abortion is.”
Keep it clean!---FCC adds Web site to field complaints about indecent TV and radio
FCC adds Web site to field complaints
The Associated Press
Oct 8, 2005
WASHINGTON -- The Federal Communications Commission has started a Web site,, to make it easier for people to file complaints about indecent programming on television and radio.
Penny Nance, a special adviser in the agency's office of strategic planning, said FCC Chairman Kevin Martin wanted to clear up confusion for consumers about how to file a complaint. With the new site, Nance said, "the American public can let their voices be heard with the click of a mouse."
The site explains that a recording or word-for-word transcript of the program is not necessary to file a complaint -- something Nance says too many consumers were confused about.
Under FCC rules and federal law, radio stations and over-the-air television channels cannot air obscene material at any time, and they cannot air indecent material between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. The rules do not apply to cable or satellite programs.